Land Use Planning and Regulation in Colorado

Defensible land use regulations must be supported by appropriate enabling authority. This section discusses the general legal framework for land use planning in Colorado, including regulating for hazards. The section also describes the local framework for mitigation planning and identifies state policies and programs that help bolster the state’s commitment to hazard mitigation.

Local Hazard Mitigation Plans

Colorado communities can integrate land use planning and mitigation by using the information contained in Local Hazard Mitigation Plans, adopted locally and approved by FEMA. Local Hazard Mitigation Plans consolidate hazard-related information prepared by a municipality, county, or region, including the assessment of potential hazards and risk, identification of vulnerable populations, and development of mitigation strategies. Although the development of Local Hazard Mitigation Plans is commonly led by emergency management and public safety personnel, planners are becoming increasingly involved in the process. These plans, which make the projects identified therein eligible for a variety of grant funds related to hazard mitigation, are discussed in further detail later in this guide in the planning tool profile for the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan